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Ively G. Mella | ID: 107805 | Teléfono: (551) 232-6032

What are the benefits of taking supplements?

In the era of advanced and revolutionized agriculture and food sciences, one would believe that our eating habits are far ahead of our ancestors. With no worries to hunt before every meal, and a pantry full of ready-to-eat meals, frozen foods, and processed products and at our disposal, are we really eating better/healthier than our ancestors? Are we getting all the correct nutrients essential for our health in every meal? In the majority of cases, the nutritional experts universally disagree. According to WHO, more than 2 billion individuals around the globe are estimated to be deficient in key vitamins and minerals, particularly vitamin A, iodine, iron, and zinc. Understanding that we need to enrich our diets with supplements, can often lead to the big question what are the benefits of taking supplements?

But first, what is the nutritional gap?

Several studies demonstrate that meals consumed by a large population residing in developed countries are excessively rich in refined grains, saturated fats, sodium, and calories. On the other hand, they, unfortunately, fall short of essential nutrients such as vitamins (B, D, E), minerals (calcium, iron) and fibers, etc. 

This imbalance in the diet eventually makes the body vulnerable to diseases and thus has been termed the “nutritional gap”. Similarly, the nutritional gap can also occur in presence of chronic illnesses, strict dieting habits, and lifestyle behaviors such as excessive smoking or stressful routines. 

One of the most effective ways of tackling this concern is regularly eating a balanced healthy diet. Sounds simple, right? But let’s all admit, it’s only easier said than done. In the everyday hustle, ensuring two healthy balanced proper meals in itself is a struggle. Even then, there are a wide variety of both external and internal factors that influence the absorption of these consumed healthy nutrients. 

Therefore, in such instances, dietary supplements, such as fortified foods, multivitamins, and essential mineral formulas are an excellent addition to your diet that can ensure your body receives adequate nutrition. Regular use of supplements can act as a nutrition intervention that can mitigate the increasing nutritional gap in communities. 

Benefits of taking dietary supplements

Supplements can range from individual vitamins, nutrients, minerals, and enzyme preparations that are taken to resolve exclusive deficiencies. Alongside a wide range of combinations, formulas are also offered by age and gender, that target multiple nutritional deficiencies at the same time. Therefore, it is frequently advised to individually review supplement contents to receive the maximum targeted benefits. 

  1. Strengthens immune system 

A strong immune system is a cornerstone of healthy living. Specially surviving through the pandemic has made us all realize how our immune system is our first line defense through infectious illnesses. It is scientifically proven that several vitamins and minerals, directly and indirectly, strengthen our immune system. Some of such supplemental elements include Vitamins A, C, and E, which mainly aid in enhancing the skin epithelium barrier function. Vitamin B6, B9, and B12 have also been linked with boosting cell-mediated immunity that aggressively combats infections. 

All vitamins except vitamin C have been proposed to be vital for the production of antibodies against infectious and toxic agents.  All vitamins except vitamin C have been proposed to be vital for the production of antibodies against infectious and toxic agents.

Similarly, deficiency of vitamin C, therefore, leads to a suppressed immune response, increased susceptibility to infections, weak collagen formation, and in case of an injury delayed wound healing.  Thus, taking regular supplements of these essential vitamins can significantly reduce the risk of contracting infections and other pathologies. 

2. Enhances digestion

As the vital function of absorption of nutrients occurs through this route, a healthy digestive system is unarguable of utmost importance for the maintenance of health. Fortunately, a wide variety of synthetic and natural supplements that enhance digestion are readily available. Some of such ingredients present in supplements include Probiotics i.e. bacteria and yeast that comprise our natural gut flora, and when supplemented in cases of deficiency resolves common gut complaints such as diarrhea, and irritable bowel syndrome, etc. Similarly, ginger when consumed as a supplement is seen to reduce intestinal cramping, prevent dyspepsia, flatulence, and bloating.

3. Healthier hair, skin, and nails

As the regular use of supplements cleanses the internal organs, strengthens immunity, and improves cellular functions, one of the biggest benefits of taking supplements is the changes in your external appearance. This includes stronger, healthier, and shinier hair that resists damage and early hair fall, smoother, firmer, glowing skin that ages slower than its course. Alongside drastic improvement can also be observed in nail health, with a shiner, less brittle smoother contours that grow at a rapid rate. The key elements present in a supplement that promote such aesthetic changes include vitamin B, C, D, E, zinc, iron, biotin, and Omega 3 fatty acids, etc.

4. Helps reduce the risk of chronic diseases

Multiple essential nutrients and vitamins have been linked with substantially decreasing the risk of chronic illnesses such as cardiac, renal, and neurological diseases. For instance, Vitamin E is well acknowledged to have a potent lipid-soluble antioxidant activity that specifically targets and prevents oxidation of low-density lipids. Thus, several clinical trials have reported the efficacy of vitamin E in preventing peripheral vascular diseases. Two such classic studies conducted on both male and female populations observed the long-term benefit of vitamin E supplements on reducing coronary artery disease. Following the participants up to nine years, the study documented a 40 percent reduced risk of heart disease in subjects that took vitamin E supplements (for at least more than two years) in comparison to individuals who took no vitamin E supplement.

Just from this brief review, one can easily understand the benefits of taking dietary supplements as it is essential for a long lasting happy life. Accepting the realities of today’s fast-paced lifestyle, and abundance of processed food, relying exclusively on diet is inadequate to replenish the body of these key elements. The result of such deficiencies is evident as increased risk of several non-communicable and degenerative diseases including diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and cancer in the elderly and delayed and stunted growth in children. Thus it is time for individuals of all ages to add these nutrients in their life regularly in the form of supplements; however, it is also of utmost importance to realize that in no instance, a supplement is to be substituted for a complete meal. 

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