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Ively G. Mella | ID: 107805 | Teléfono: (551) 232-6032

What is the Income Potential of an Independent Business Owner?

Sometimes it’s not just about Which job has the most Income. What you should factor in is Income potential, and the Income Potential of an Independent Business Owner is Near Limitless

Let’s face it, when you accept your job offer, you are locked into a salary. With every job comes the journey and challenge of fulfilling the role to the best of your ability. Whether that means as a humble warehouse worker or an extravagant executive member. More often than not that includes wearing many hats, keeping on your feet, and being able to pivot into anything at a moment’s notice. But one thing usually stays a disappointing constant is the pay while inflation whittles it down bit by bit. Inflation is an inescapable and constant thing but with the income potential of an independent business owner, you can secure a good cushion.

Making sense of the reality of inflation

As this article from Forbes puts it, “As the cost of everything from fuel to food increases, the value of the dollar decreases. That means workers are seeing the purchasing power of their paychecks shrink. In fact, the value of the federal minimum wage is now at its lowest point since 1956…”

Companies are giving company raises, but in actuality, they are just the costs of inflation. 

However, the future doesn’t have to be so bleak. There is a career waiting for you that doesn’t lock you into a meager salary and that actually rewards you for the amount of work you put in with plenty of incentives to keep you focused and motivated.

Limitless Income Potential for an Independent Business Owner and Growth

You don’t just have to just survive but thrive, even today, even right now. An independent business owner has the opportunity to enjoy not only limitless growth but also see a continued return for the work they have already done up to any point.

A sales representative, or as it is known in this industry as an independent business owner, continues to be one of the highest paid and most abundant in project jobs for the future without the need for a college degree.

While other jobs are stunted by the amount of growth and the arbitrariness of growth or raises, Independent business owners have one clear proven perk. That advantage is commissions. 

There are many industries that already revolve around commissions such as various agencies, customer service, real estate and so much more.  

The establishment of these industries on just pure commissions proves that they not only work but that people want them.

Limitless Income Potential

The Sales Representative or independent business owner’s salary is on par with the US national average salary. But that is just the average and excluding the commissions. As Indeed reports here, aside from the $63,311 salary, there was an average of $10,900 worth of commissions to accompany it.

That means in total, according to this Indeed report, that is a total of $74,211 dollars. And that is just the average, independent business owner income. This is truly a career that recognized hard work, your hard work.  The average can easily be surpassed to earn even more.

Zip Recruiter states that jobs that involve the highest sort of commission out there, uncapped or straight commission type jobs, have a national average salary of $114,502 dollars. Again, that is just the average, the upper limit of the salary nears the $200,000 dollars range.

However exciting becoming an Independent business owner is, you will need the right pay structure. Without that, you can, unfortunately, put in the labor but see very little of the Rewards

Income Potential of an Independent Business Owner?

So what is the Right Company and Pay Structure for the best Income Potential of an Independent Business Owner

There are many companies out there that underpay, omit the exact on-target earnings (OTE), or have a complicated payment structure that is too hard to understand.

Nuvi Global boasts one of the highest pay structures in the network marketing industry as a whole. Identifying 9 different ways to earn with Nuvi Global. You can learn more about each possible way in much greater detail here.

Through this, a Nuvi Global business owner enjoys a wide variety of flexible ways to earn and the choice for them of what to focus on.

Nuvi Global also operates using a unilevel compensation plan. It is simple and easy to follow. Out of all the compensation plans out there, unilevel naturally spreads commissions evenly over time.

And the Nuvi Global independent business owners aren’t just figurative or make-believe people but actual real people making an actual income.

Many of Nuvi Global’s IBOs, they have achieved a new way of life for the better.

A Way to Supplement Your Income

Starting your journey to be an Independent Business Owner will be a road like any other for this is a career like any other and a career has its ups and downs. As you start, the earnings will snowball as you find what works best for you. It would be something you will have to work and stay consistent for. Then you will see the benefits of your labor.

And in these tumultuous times we live in now or whatever the situation is, knowing the security of having an extra source of income will always be a positive and never a negative.

This article from CNBC makes it very clear what could happen on leaning on a sole income, “Most people have one stream of income: their job. If you do not save and invest your savings in assets that generate additional streams of income, and you lose your job, you could find yourself losing everything.”

Success doesn’t necessarily mean that you must maximize your income potential all the time. No, it can simply be the fact that you are increasing it, no matter the amount. After all, many people state that the key to financial success is to diversify and supplement your income.

Sure we all shoot high since that is what we naturally want for ourselves, but we all start small, even including independent business owners. 

The Limitless Possibilities

In this day and age do not be limited or stuck with a company that doesn’t reward your hard work and that is fickle with its distributions of raises. 

You can be free of the normal shackles and constraints that a 9/5 job brings, routine, and salary.  Once you become a Nuvi Global independent business owner, you’re professional potential and income potential will no longer be stunted. 

Becoming an Independent Business Owner isn’t complicated either, as you can start being one right now.

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