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Ively G. Mella | ID: 107805 | Teléfono: (551) 232-6032

Best Strategies to Level up Your Business in 2023

The Best Strategies to Level up Your Business will Obviously Depend on your Business and the model but there are Practical Things that any Enterprise can Use

There are many strategies for your business, the question is which ones are the best ones? Or more importantly which ones are useful for you? Thankfully there are simple and universal ways to help out any business big or small of any industry. From grand transformations to simple solutions, we will cover all the best strategies to level up your business.

Make the Customer (Experience) #1

We have all heard the expression, “The Customer is always right” and that is true to an extent. The truth of the matter is that the consumer, due to being a vast variety of choices in terms of businesses, will choose with their wallet.

More and more consumers are liking and then wanting more from the companies they shop from. They want to have a connection with them and that connection is through a personalized shopping experience.

An article from Forbes goes into more detail, “According to Salesforce research, 66% of consumers expect companies to understand their unique needs and expectations, and 52% expect all offers to be personalized. This sentiment shows that it’s no longer enough to apply a ‘one-size-fits-all’ approach…”

As they say, first introductions are very important.

Personalize the People

From the moment the customer enters your business or opens your site, their customer experience has already begun and every step is important.

There are many questions to ask when trying to personalize the shopping experience for your customer, such as: what is the first thing they see? Is your site or shop welcoming? What type of impression do they get? And so on.

And the customer shopping experience doesn’t stop there either. Once and if they purchased something, many customers reported that they like any type of follow up such as a reminder of their time or purchase, a personalized note or email with their name on it, or a small gesture.

Establishing the Brand Loyalty

This is all in an effort to build brand loyalty. Brand loyalty is very important in both customer experience and customer retention. In fact, with some variation on the country, over two-thirds of customers have some sort of brand loyalty while the US has the highest percentage of brand loyalty, it even being lifelong.

If your company cannot tailor a customized experience due to costs or any other reason for your customer then this is when your company mission becomes important. Over 80% of consumers want or look for a company’s brand whose mission or values align with their own.

Best Strategies to Level up Your Business

Nuvi Global’s business model and company culture already implement sharing our message as well as following up with the Entirety of the Nuvi Global family whether that be from the independent business owner distributor or the people who enjoy the products. Follow-up is also very much practiced to foster more than a transaction but rather a connection.

Everyone is looking for new customers, but to level up your business you’d want to make those customers fans of your brand and lovers of your mission.

Remember that there is a human behind every receipt. But also realize that not everything needs human eyes to see it get done.


Making a small or big tedious part of your business done relatively by itself is called automation.

Automation is great because it cuts costs for your business, keeps your employees happy since they don’t have to do any tedious work, and makes things run more smoothly. Also, A statistic conducted by Nucleus Research showed that marketing automation drove 14%in sales productivity and a 12% reduction in marketing overhead.

Sure the benefits of automation can depend on the complexity of your business structure so if your business is relatively simple then the return may not be great. However, there is something that any business can implement and that is dropshipping.

You Can Automate the Selling of Any Product

Dropshipping is an automated process where a customer places an order on your website for one or more items. Then you contact the supplier of those products and have them deliver it to the customer who placed the order while you net the difference between the wholesale price and your retail price. It is that simple.

All of Nuvi Global’s reputable wellness products have and can be dropshipped from anywhere by anyone. It is already very much implemented in the format of being an independent business owner via their Nuvi Global replicated site. They also enjoy more automation such as supply refills, progress management and so much more.

And statistics don’t lie, as it was found that manufacturers who use dropshipping earn 18% more than those who don’t

Although this is a fairly new fulfillment model for online businesses, it is always good to embrace change to stay one step ahead of the competition at all times. Automation is key when prioritizing what part of your company needs your utmost attention and what can simply be automated.

A Team Full of Talent

Depending on your experience you may have worked with or even hired someone yourself on behalf of a company who wasn’t exactly the most qualified candidate for the job. Whether it be because they knew someone within the company, there was desperation for a new hire, or whatever the reason was. Now they are there and you now know that the company is not at its full potential.

Obviously, you now vow to not let this happen within your own business. Only choosing the best and brightest people on your team. But how do you exactly do that? There isn’t exactly a way to try out employees. Or is there?

The Rise of the Freelancer

Freelancing is a great way for small business owners to, in a sense, ‘try out’ a prospective employee and see what kind of job they do. Also, freelancers can be used in a pinch for your business as they are countless freelancers all around the world eager to get started on work.

Freelancers are great for any business as well, 54% of Google’s workforce as a whole is reportedly comprised of Freelancers while the rest are regular employees.

Freelancers typically charge more to do a project than a typical employee would take to complete it but, that is a small price to pay than rather being stuck with a disappointing employee for years on end and all the costs that come with them.

You Have the Final Say for the Team

It is important to build a team that you not only like but one that you know can get the job done. Establishing then cultivating company culture is also very important.

Being a Nuvi Global independent business owner means you have the final say on who joins your team and ensure that it is a team of handpicked people with true talent. It is something embraced and it is a liberty independent business owners enjoy

Ready to level up?

Starting any business gives you the ins and outs as well as what to do and what not to do. Though with any success or failure, it gives the experience that only knowing hands-on can bring.

All that’s left is to use that experience to level up your business.

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