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How to find inspiration

Do you ever feel like every passing day is the same? Or that you’re running and doing your best to catch up with your daily tasks only to look down and see you’re stuck in the same place you started? 

You might often find yourself all out of inspiration, especially in the colder winter months. This is commonly known as a Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) or what we call, ‘the winter blues.’ 

Being stuck in a rut feels a lot like doing everything and nothing. All at the same time. Getting out can be quite a task, but don’t worry! Here are some easy ways to find inspiration

Recognize. Accept. Identify. 

You’ll be surprised to know that the average human has fantastic coping and adapting skills, especially when it comes to handling the daily dose of stressors. However, this is exactly why it’s so difficult to realize when you’ve slipped into monotony. This is because you become so accustomed to it. 

Ruts come in all shapes and sizes, and they can hit you just about anywhere. So, the first step to pulling yourself out of one is to recognize you are in one. You can’t solve a problem by denying there is one. 

The next step is acceptance. Again, there’s no point beating yourself up about it, and it’s more common than you’d think. It’s perfectly alright, it’s a phase, and it will pass. 

Now you need to identify the root cause and nip it in the bud. This calls for some good old self-talk. Ask yourself, is it your job that’s adding to your stress and demotivation? Is it an unhappy marriage or other failing relationships? Are you questioning your career choices? 

Set Realistic Goals and Focus on Input 

It’s normal to feel demotivated when you don’t get a certain output from the things that matter most. Which can often make you feel as though you’ve come to a stagnant stop. However, what most don’t realize is that your output is highly dependent on the quality of your input.

Goals and aspirations can seem daunting and, at times, impossible to achieve. However, breaking them down into micro goals and ensuring that the goal itself is realistic is crucial to pulling yourself out of a rut. Smaller goals mean increased productivity and more ‘Good job!’ chocolates from you to you! 

Self-Care Is a Priority 

Life can often feel like a marathon. Where you’re sprinting from one task to the other and have hardly any time to catch your breath. 

When many people think of self-care, they automatically think of yoga, claiming they just don’t have time for it. But self-care is much more than just yoga. It’s relaxing your mind and taking a break when your body is begging for one. Self-care looks a lot like completing that 8-hour beauty sleep you haven’t had in a while and making sure you’re taking all your dietary supplements. 

You wouldn’t let your phone’s battery run dead, right? Then why let yours? 

Give Yourself a Break 

Getting out of a rut is easier said than done, but remember to take each day at a time. It’s okay if all you’re doing is staying afloat. So give yourself a break. You deserve it!

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