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Social Media Strategies for Independent Business Owners

Times are Changing, Technology is different and postcards aren’t going to cut it anymore. Social Media is now the name of the game and that goes especially for Social Media Strategies for Independent Business Owners

This article will explore both of these things in detail and will showcase just how exactly you can incorporate social media strategies for independent business owners.

Choosing and Creating Your Profile

Before you just jump into social media you must recognize the various platforms that are available to you. The big platforms currently are Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, and of course, the-up-and coming TikTok. Each of these platforms has its own type of content, such as YouTube being primarily videos and Instagram posting.

Yes, these social media platforms may overlap such as Facebook having both posts and videos, however, users will primarily go to a certain type of platform for a specific type of content. For example, someone browsing TikTok, a platform primarily used for short videos, won’t be engaging with written posts.

So, as an Independent Business Owner, you must identify what exact type of content you are thinking to produce and the best platform for it to be viewed.

However, it is not enough to just choose the platform for the type of content, but the exact type of people that are on and using the platform

Social Media Strategies for Independent Business Owners

Understanding the Demographic

Knowing who your audience is or who you’re targeting is key to your social media strategy. You can make creatively wonderful grade-A content but if it isn’t being seen by the people you want or you aren’t targeting the people you need then all that effort will go to waste. This is called your ideal target or target marketing.

It is important to know what consumer uses. For example, according to research done by Statista, Facebook is primarily used by Males and 77% of overall users are 44 years and under. Also, in another report, 29 years and under made up over 47.4% of US overall TikTok users.

That is just the tip of the iceberg though, as now you must know what type of content appeals to which type of demographic. But for now keeping with the basics, realizing that each social media platform has a catered audience is important to each and every type of Independent Business Owner.

Nuvi Global’s primary consumer demographic for its health and wellness products is between the ages of 30 to 50. But with the impact, Covid-19 brought, a younger health-conscious demographic has now emerged wanting to boost both their immune system and add wellness to their lives.

Settling on social media to get started is no doubt a difficult task but an Independent Business Owner shouldn’t forget the basics either.

Finishing Your Profile

With social media comes a variety of challenges. Post visibility, demographic, and so on. However, there is another issue that many don’t anticipate. The fact that you must prove that you are a real human user and not a bot.

The Elon Musk Twitter fiasco exposed how rampant this problem was. 

According to Reuters, “Researches estimate that anywhere from 9% to 15% of the millions of Twitter profiles are automated accounts, or bots, based on one early study, from 2017”. The real number might even be on the higher side, “Cyabra estimates the percentage of inauthentic Twitter profiles at 14.7%”

And that is only on Twitter, now just imagine every social media platform out there. That is why completing your entire social media profile is very important. It can be a clear tell-tale sign showing others that look upon your profile that there is a real person behind it.

Displaying things like the schools you’ve attended or graduated from, certificates earned, places worked for, or even more personable things about you are just things that not only can differentiate you from bots but to establish you as reputable to any promising customer.

The Media Aspect

Media is very important for social media, people go on it to be entertained after all. They expect content from content creators like you, the independent business owner. The type of content can vary from informative, entertainment, review, guide, personable, and the list goes on. 

There will be a time when you may seem overwhelmed by what direction to take or what your audience will like but with enough time you will begin to see what works for you. Trial and error is a key part of refining your social media strategy.

In a report by sproutsocial, it was found that 55% of consumers learn about new brands on social.  Also, 75% of internet users use social media to research products. Learning about new brands that could include both your independent business and them doing research on the products that you offer.

Fortunately, companies like Nuvi Global have been established for over 8 years and their products have a solid reputation as well as their independent business owner.

So now that you have everything in order to gain an audience, there is something else to learn.

The Social Aspect

Social is very important in social media in terms of not only growing but keeping your audience. There are over 4.74 billion social media users around the world in October 2022. Even if most of them aren’t all other independent business owners, you won’t compete with them for the consumer’s business but you will compete with your potential consumer’s attention.

Another social media strategy is to not just stop at making them a customer but making them a customer for life. Engagement then will be the key to this. People are more and more wanting a personalized shopping experience from starting their purchase all the way to the end of a follow-up.

 75% of online shoppers like brands to personalize their offerings and messages. Not only that but they like it when the independent business owner gives them a personalized message to make it memorable.

You Do Not Have to Choose Just One

There are many social media platforms to choose from but it doesn’t mean you have to choose just one. Sure, the more you utilize as an independent business owner means the less you have to devote to each one. But it doesn’t have to be like that.

You can reuse content such as blogs or videos, edit them as needed and repost it to another social media platform.

Now you can implement a new social media strategy for your independent business but why stop there? Learn here to find more strategies you can use.

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