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The regeneration process and how can we improve it!

It is absolutely normal for us to want to look younger and feel healthier as time progresses, fortunately, our bodies have innate processes that focus on this. This is known as the regeneration process; many know it exist, but not many people understand how it works. Let’s take a look at the regeneration process, how it is related to aging, and how it can be improved. 

The Regeneration Process

Regeneration is a process by which a body repairs itself. We can see extreme examples in nature. For instance, an octopus that loses a limb will grow a new one, and many lizards can generate a new tail. However, regeneration is also an aspect of the human body at a much smaller level. 

The regeneration process in humans involves the way that our body repairs itself at the cellular level.

For example, when we get a scrape or cut, our body works to create new skin. When we break a bone, our body forms new tissue to fuse the bone back together. Our body has an amazing system that helps it regenerate and repair in many ways. 

What happens when we begin aging?

Regeneration is actually tied quite closely to the aging process. The relationship between the regeneration process and aging is negatively correlated. This means that as we age, our body’s ability for regeneration declines. Our cells become less proficient at fixing things. Cuts take longer to heal and are more likely to form scars rather than typical skin. Breaks in bones take longer to heal. Naturally, older people simply struggle more with this aspect. 

There is a reason for this. Neuroscience research has found that our cells’ structures deteriorate as we age. More cells get damaged and cannot be repaired. A study from the journal Nature Genetics by Professor Mads Melbye noted, “Our bodies are really good at repairing DNA damage until we reach the age of around 55.” After that age, our cells simply begin to decline at a much higher level. As more cells become damaged, our body’s ability to engage in the regenerative process becomes more compromised. 

Let’s talk Stem Cells!

People often link stem cells to the regeneration because stem cells can have major improvement in the process. Stem cells are a type of cell that has the ability to develop into any type of cell needed within the body. They can become epithelial cells, nerve cells, connective tissue cells, or any other kind. 

The Mayo Clinic notes that stem cells can be utilized to for many purposes but are particularly effective in aiding the regeneration process. For example, stem cell treatments can be used to improve spinal cord injuries, Parkinson’s disease, lateral sclerosis, heart disease, osteoarthritis, and many other conditions. 

How to Improve the Regeneration Process

For people wanting to improve the regeneration process, there are a number of things that can be done. One of the easiest ways to do this is to exercise. Exercise naturally causes your muscles to break down and repair themselves, strengthening them. It also causes greater expression of a gene called BDNF, which promotes the growth and maturation of new nerve cells, helping prevent cognitive decline. 

Nutrition is another important way to strengthen the regeneration process. Our bodies require a specific combination of macronutrients and micronutrients to optimally thrive. Unfortunately, many people have diets high in things like refined sugars and trans fats that don’t provide optimal nutrition. Eating healthy proteins as well as things like fruits and vegetables is important. Particularly, foods high in antioxidants like kale, sweet potatoes, avocados, and strawberries provide your body with the nutrients needed for optimal functioning. 

Another important strategy is to work to stop habits that actively impair your body from repairing. Smoking is a major one that can oppress the regenerative process of the heart and lungs. Within a day of stopping smoking, your lung tissue and cardiovascular system increase regeneration. Additionally, heavy drinkers who started practicing responsible consumption saw improvements in cognitive function as the regenerative process improved brain structure. 

Ultimately, the regeneration process is one of the true miracles of the human body. Our body is uniquely attuned to discover and repair damage. However, for it to do so effectively, we need to focus on providing in the things it needs such as exercise and nutrition while diminishing bad habits that harm the regeneration process. 

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